Martes, Pebrero 2, 2016

Merry Christmas!!! :)

Christmas is a very important event for me. I’m only celebrating it once a year so I make sure that it will be memorable for each and everyone of my loved once. Last December 25, I attended the mass with my family, we prayed for the good health and more blessings to come to us. And after that I went to the house of my special someone. We talked about her family and my family, we also have an exchange of “how are you’s “
I realize that true essence of Christmas isn’t all about the toys and other material things but it’s all about giving without expecting anything in return, loving unconditionally, and forgiving with a touch of accepting and forgetting.
This coming 2016, I hope that you will change your bad attitude and improve the things that everyone admires on you. In times of trial and challenges or even in good times, may you still communicate with God, have faith in Him, trust Him, and love Him with all your heart. Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

5 komento:

  1. Merry Christmas and advance Happy new year! may the things that you've realize will stay in your heart forever and please use it wisely. God bless!

  2. may God bless you always :) keep up the good work
